Guardians of the Future

Quels thématiques ?
  • Défense du Vivant
Domaine du Vivant ?
  • Feu toxique
Type de ressource
  • Site web / app
Type de contenu
  • Texte
Langue de la ressource originale
  • Anglais
Langue de la ressource ici
  • Anglais
Durée (si pertinent) 8-9 pages A4 quand imprimé
Source de la ressource (site, livre, vidéo, auteur·ice) Entretien de Joanna Macy par Alan AtKisson of the Context Institute
Contributeur·ice de la ressource Zsanna

Partage sur l'importance de cette action Great description of the Nuclear Guardianship Project for the Responsible Care of Radioactive Wastes.
The interview dates from 1991 but the content is still so pertinent.
Comment pouvons-nous soutenir cette cause ? (ou tu peux joindre un document PDF à la fiche, ci-dessous) Also contains Joanna Macy's poem: The Standard Remembering at the end, very powerful.
The concept of nuclear guardianship is what led Joanna Macy to develop Deep Time work, because of the time spans during which nuclear waste will continue to be a hzard.
Remarques Joanna quotes Robert J Lifton's book 'The Broken Connection'. He points to the advent of nuclear weaponry as something that cut us off both from the future and the past, causing 'radical biological severance', the inability to conceive of on-goingness, that maroons us in short-term thinking. Hence the importance of a Deep Time perspective.