Communication complémentaire

Espaces pour communiquer plus loin

A copier sur chaque page de préparation d'un atelier

To prepare communication:
  • prepare webpages on Echos
  • prepare webpage Roseaux
  • prepare flyer (print, web, jpg for WA, Insta format....!)
  • prepare call sheet (feuille de route)
  • prepare car share & potluck form (save in Excel as a master)
  • save it all in Word (as base for future events), PDF (to print & share), JPEG (to share on WA)
  • save all on RD Plateforme Pédagogique Drive and Echos prep page
  • link up all websites & ensure all got latest version of flyer!

Places to communicate:
  • Echos website
  • Echos mailing
  • Roseaux website
  • Roseaux mailing
  • Host website
  • Host mailing
  • WTR US - create event Zsanna & Claire
  • Zsanna Insta 1080x1080
  • host Insta
  • Zsanna FB 940x788 (works for posts but not for events!)
  • Spirales Dansantes FB
  • Roseaux FB
  • host FB
  • DEEP website - calendar & page
  • LI : Zsanna, Roseaux, host of event
  • Travail Qui
  • TeT website?
  • Inner Transition forum?
  • WTR website size: 1920x1080
  • Put WTR as co-host (message Frieda/WTR on FB/Messenger with the link to the event so they can accept co-hosting status – share a short description of 3 sentences max. of the event to help them promote it)
  • Link them all up on FB, LI, etc!!
  • Like each other, tag each other
  • Consider Twitter?

UK contacts to nurture:
Plymouth - Klaudia van Gool
Martin in Cornwall
Freddy in Dartmoor
Totnes - TiT
Schumacher College