1-5 Nov 2023
organiser Zsanna is in contact with: Shala

Preparation document
for meeting notes and brainstorming

Main points:
Claire on Day 5?

Pre-record a video
Then do live Going Forth questions
in pairs or with photo & music backdrop to write answers in journals

Questions for video:

How and when did you meet the WTR?
How and when did you meet Chris Johnstone and Pat Fleming?
How and when did you meet Joanna Macy?
How and when did you meet John Seed?
How and when did you meet Kathleen O’Sullivan?
When and how did you create Les Roseaux Dansants?
How did you become a WTR facilitator?
How did you create the facilitator training?
Which countries now have active facilitators thanks to that training? (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland)
Let’s expand on one of those seeds which germinated, with your current partners Transalquimia in Catalonia, Spain, which is now the location for the training that takes place in French! How did that development take place?
When did Joanna ask you to translate Active Hope into French?
What are your next steps, going forth? !!!

Then Claire questions for Zsanna re Circles of Active Hope and fellow facilitators from her cohort, also trained in facilitating Circles
and translations into Catalan, French and German

Then GOING FORTH questions like:
If you had all the time in the world, how would you spend it?
Something that inspires me at present is.....