Paiements Paisibles

Some examples

Cost is self-determined. The standard amount is six months at $33 a month for a total of $198. However, if that seems too high or too low for you, you may choose another amount. If your budget is genuinely tight, please choose less with our sincere blessing. If you feel affluent, go ahead and up it to a level similar to other programs of this nature. We trust you to choose the amount that feels right and fair, that represents a real commitment, and that respects your financial circumstances.

Other ways of saying it:

supporting, standard and supported

pay-what-you-can - UK permaculture asso

Cost: $20 donation (nobody turned away for lack of funds) - Jonathan Gustin

You can register now on _ page, choosing your own sliding scale. Finances do not have to be a barrier.

Gift economy webinar

You can register for free to the webinar.
Conflict is a hot topic and we want everybody to be able to access these spaces.
Also, please consider making a one-time donation according to your possibilities to honour and support our work, helping make it sustainable.


Pay-as-you-are-able (Jo del Amor)


Fred Gay's research shows typical fee for a day in France for professional quality workshop is 100€ (range from 50-150€)

He read a report recently (writing this on 13 May 2024) that in the US their revenue is about double that of Europeans, and the cost of their workshops, too. And he adds that in France we obviously have the social welfare economy which makes many French expect free or subsidized things. These compensate their low revenue. (health care, libraries...)


Rakesh from London does a lot of 'roots' workshops and has cost of 10€/day for hébergement, in general.


The pricing structure of the Ground Floor Lab aligns with Open Floor values of inclusivity. There are differences across our participants, geographically and in social status and privilege, which we welcome.

We offer more flexible and inclusive price options to embody economic justice.

Generosity Rate - £1,800

Supporting Rate - £895

Sustainability Rate - £725

Access Rate - £425


Suggested heart-based donations to Matt

Exchange Donation: Pure Love

💕Open for those who wish to receive

This is a priceless gift

Afin que l'argent ne soit pas un obstacle, si tu rencontres des difficultés particulières, parlons en afin de trouver ensemble une juste solution.